
Our History

      In September 1969, a group of Christians known as the Northeast Church of Christ began meeting in the home of Brother Harold Reeder. It was made up of members from approximately twenty families.  An evangelist was hired and teachers were installed to set into action Christ's work in this community. After meeting in temporary locations for a time, a contract was negotiated with the Judson School District in February 1970 for the use of the Kirby Junior High School. By August 1970 the average attendance had risen to 88. Later that year, the name of the congregation was changed to the Kirby Church of Christ. To comply with the laws of the State of Texas, the Kirby Church of Christ was incorporated in June 1972. Building plans were drawn up, and a decision was made to purchase five acres of land on Farm Road 78 between Kirby and Converse for the price of $15,000.    
      By November 1972 building and finance committees were appointed and definite plans to construct a building began. June 1973 saw a contract was signed with the Continental Church Builders to begin drafting plans. In August 1973 the men of the congregation approved a bond program in the amount of $120,000 at 9 percent interest, with a fifteen-year repayment plan. September 1973 was set as the bond issue date. By January 1974 the bond sales were completed and the ground breaking for the new building took place that month. The first service was held in the new building on August 25, 1974.      
     The 1969 plan for an eldership was realized when elders were installed on October 19, 1975. The installation of deacons followed on December 14, 1975. Due to housing development surrounding the church location, the name was changed to the Ventura Church of Christ in 1982. Due to the growth in the area and the multitude of subdivisions surrounding Ventura, members voted in December 2008 to rename the congregation the Northeast Church of Christ.